Saturday, November 10, 2018

More Goblin Names

Continuing from here, another quick d50 table for generating goblin names. Roll twice, and consider adding "-y" or "-er" to the result. Some tests:
  • moon-noggin
  • powdermulch
  • muffin-licker
  • bitterhobble
  • wartpie
  • ruckyfist
Also attaching a combined d100 table for all your goblin-naming needs.

1-2: muffin
3-4: puppy
5-6: cuddle
7-8: midden
9-10: mulch
11-12: wart
13-14: bloat
15-16: pie
17-18: spit
19-20: jug
21-22: comb
23-24: hobble
25-26: shiv
27-28: bitter
29-30: brown
31-32: goat
33-34: moon
35-36: ruck
37-38: pile
39-40: crud
41-42: oil
43-44: fist
45-46: groom
47-48: scape
49-50: jam
51-52: bodkin
53-54: lick
55-56: red
57-58: liver
59-60: bottom
61-62: husk
63-64: wife
65-66: moss
67-68: quag
69-70: powder
71-72: giggle
73-74: brother
75-76: tooth
77-78: cowl
79-80: pip
81-82: squeak
83-84: snot
85-86: little
87-88: boot
89-90: toad
91-92: sister
93-94: noggin
95-96: beetle
97-98: tongue
99-100: speck

Friday, November 2, 2018

Fungal Mutations

Roll d20:
  1. A slimy mass replaces the: Tongue; Eyes; Genitals; Sinuses. It works pretty much the same but everything is a bit more beige. If you get dehydrated it turns into fruiting bodies and blows away in the next stiff breeze.
  2. Anything that bites you or drinks of your blood must save or be subject to hallucinations (as confusion)
  3. As long as you remain well-fed, sweat a honeydew that attracts a colony of ants to crawl about you, almost imperceptibly. They'll swarm anything that grapples you for more than a round, and after a rest you can taste one of them to get a sense of any egregious environmental effects.
  4. Sprout a brilliantly colored toadstool cap around your head. Counts as a shield. Could be mistaken for a very wide hat from a distance or with some paint maybe.
  5. Enter into a symbiotic relationship with a magic item carried. Once per session, you can count holding it as eating. Once per session, you can use it for free.
  6. Grow big fungal mounds on the back and forearms. They are: geometric; wrinkled; gilled; ropy. Together they count as a large item carried, but grants a level's worth of HP.
  7. Hold a type of creature: plant; vermin; humanoid; construct. It gets a save each round. After three failures it is charmed until it's not handled for an hour.
  8. If you would die of thirst, you instead retreat into a husk that can last up to one-hundred times your natural lifespan. When doused, you will emerge into a fugue state until drenched in water (or blood).
  9. If you've eaten a good share of bread or fruit, you pee beer! However, you also burp a lot until it's passed. This could make stealth or negotiations difficult.
  10. If your body lies in the same place for a day, a fairy ring forms around it: Well that's weird; Anyone who sleeps in the ring enters Fairyland; Some minor mischievous fairies enter the world; The Shaggy Man enters the world.
  11. In complete darkness, skin glows pale green, as bright as a candle.
  12. Naked, can eat wood. Something about the size of a door counts as a meal. It takes a rest and is not particularly pleasant to watch.
  13. Once per session, breath a cloud of spores that deal damage based on current HP. Until then they're in the lungs, and the strain counts as carrying a large item.
  14. Purged of one curse and cough up a delicious orange. Everyone who sees it wants to eat the orange. Anyone who does inherits the curse. If nobody does after a day, the orange hatches into a familiar.
  15. Release a cloud of irritating spores when hurt. Those nearby must save or suffer from: sneezing & coughing (stunned); runny eyes (blind); itching (drop held items); an unsightly rash (takes a day to clear up).
  16. Resist the touch of slimes, oozes, and such. Sunlight, however, burns like fire.
  17. The brain turns into a beautiful puffball. You die. A wizard who cracks your head and inhales the spores learns a new spell and rolls on this table.
  18. The flesh becomes spongy and pliable. Half damage from all attacks. Cannot wear armor, and clothes are barely tolerable. Halve speed each day until collapse into sludge and die.
  19. Tiny grey roots grow into anything worn or carried. Clothes and leather armor become painful to remove after a few hours, ruined in a day. Wooden weapons, leather bags, or rations carried quickly rot. Each item ruined counts a ration consumed, though.
  20. When hungry, emit a nauseating, rotting stench. it attracts flies and other flesh-hungry vermin.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

dice decay probabilities

Messing around with supply dice in a game. Here are the average number of times you can expect a die of a size to last if it decays to the next smaller sizer on a 1 or a 2, then be expended after 1.

dminimum usesavg uses

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Dog Weapons

Retrieving bolts
    Golden-tufted crossbow bolts. Feel kind of stupid in the hand.
    Drag struck creatures backwards.

Dirt knife
    Jumpy dagger with itchy, stocky, wire-wrapped handle.
    Vermin bane.

Flushing spear
    Long spear with a bifurcated, wavy head.
    Strains towards nearest hiding creature, granting holder advantage to find them.

Pit cestus
    Stinky, tooth-studded bandages with a thick metal ring around the middle knuckles.
    Advantage to maintain (not enter or escape) a grapple.

Barrel-down greatsword
    Huge blade is perpetually cold and damp. Banded, barrel-like wooden handle.
    Once per day, dispenses medicinal brandy from handle (as healing potion, plus tipsy).

Hounding blade
    Baying is heard in the distance when this short sword is drawn.
    Checks to track anyone hurt by this blade have advantage until the wound is healed.

Puppy shot
    Wiggly and soft arrows, bolts, or stones.
    For each damage that would be dealt, instead a healthy puppy drops to the ground. If reared to adulthood, might have hints of struck creature.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Trapper 5E Rogue Archetype

This steps on the ranger's toes a bit, but it's for a game without rangers.

Said game also doesn't have the Arcane Trickster archetype, so I was okay letting this be a little more complex to take up that design space.

I took the Survivalist feature directly from the published Scout archetype.

Also includes a rules for grenades.


When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Nature and Survival skills. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses either of those proficiencies.


Trapper's Kit: You have assembled a trappers' kit. It is a unique combination of wires, vials, blasting caps, strings, acids, and other interesting odds and ends you've "acquired" in your travels. In conjunction with thieves' tools, it allows you to improvise traps.

The trapper's kit has 4 uses. Whenever you take a short or a long rest, you're able to repurpose and cannibalize portions of it and your environment to restore all expended uses.

Your kit gains another use at 9th and 17th level.

Trap Proficiency: Starting at 3rd level, add your proficiency modifier to any attacks by, saving throws against, or checks to detect or escape from traps you set. Ball bearings, caltrops, grenades, hunting traps, and nets count as traps.

You can use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to Ready, but only to respond to a creature you can see taking damage from a trap you set. If this trigger occurs, you can use your reaction to add half your sneak attack dice to the trap's damage (round up).

Additionally, you can use this bonus action and 1 use of your kit to produce a simple trap which emulates a bag of ball bearings, caltrops, a grenade, a hunting trap, or a net. These aren't durable and cease to be effective after 1 minute.

Improvised Traps: Choose 2 of the following improvised traps you're familiar with.

By spending 1 minute, 1 use of your trapper's kit, thieves' tools, and items scrounged from your surroundings, you set one of the chosen traps.

You can reliably improvise a number of traps equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). When you set another, one of the existing ones, determined at random, fails and becomes harmless.

You can choose another improvised trap to be familiar with at 9th, 13th, and 17th level.

The DC to avoid, disarm, or detect any of these trap effects is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Improvised Traps

Alarm: When you set this trap, choose if it will be subtle or blaring. When tripped, you automatically hear the subtle version it within 60 feet, but anyone else must make a Wisdom (Perception) check against the trap's DC to tell they have tripped it. The blaring version is audible up to a mile away outdoors.

Bomb: Each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on the triggering creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. They take 4d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Audible up to a mile away outdoors.

Dart: The trap makes an attack against the triggering creature, adding your proficiency bonus and your Intelligence modifier, for 2d6 damage. Extremely quiet.

Flash: A blinding light flares in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on the triggering creature. All within must pass a Constitution saving throw or be blinded. They can attempt a new saving throw at the end of each of its turns.

Release: A container rigged to open or break when the trap is sprung. You must provide something to fill it with. A pint will affect the triggering creature. A gallon will usually affect anything within 10 feet of the triggering creature.

Common choices include: Ball bearings, resin, acid, grease, holy water, bees, scorpions, caltrops, confetti or glitter, stinky muck.

Snare: The triggering creature must pass a Dexterity saving throw or be restrained. It can use its action to make another Dexterity saving throw at disadvantage to escape. You may opt to construct this trap such that it deals 1d6 damage when it initially restrains a creature.


Starting at 9th level, moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra Movement.

In addition, while traveling for an hour or more in the wilderness, your group moves more effectively under your leadership:
  • Moving at a fast pace does not impose a penalty to passive Wisdom (Perception) scores.
  • Your group can use stealth at a normal pace.
  • Moving at a slow pace allows your group to use stealth and imposes disadvantage on any Wisdom (Survival) checks made to track you and them.

Urgent Improvisation

At 13th level, you can create an improvised trap as an action rather than in a minute by spending twice its uses from your trapper's kit.

Chain Reaction

Starting at 17th level, if a creature takes damage from or fails a saving throw against a trap you set, your first attack next round against it has advantage.

Simple Traps

These are provided for reference. Add your proficiency bonus to any of these traps' DCs when you use them, and to any attack roll you make with them.

Ball Bearings: As an action, you can spill these tiny metal balls from their pouch to cover a level, square area that is 10 feet on a side. A creature moving across the covered area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need to make the save.

Caltrops: As an action, you can spread a single bag of caltrops to cover a 5-foot-square area. Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving and take 1 piercing damage. Until the creature regains at least 1 hit point, its walking speed is reduced by 10 feet. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn't need to make the saving throw.

Grenade: As an action, you can throw a grenade up to 60 feet. Make a ranged Attack, modified by cover, treating the grenade as an improvised weapon. At the start of your next turn, the grenade explodes. Everything within a 10-foot-radius centered on it must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. They take 2d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A creature can use its action to attempt a Dexterity saving throw with a DC equal to your attack roll to pick up the grenade and throw it back. On a failure, it explodes immediately, and they cannot attempt a saving throw for half damage.

Hunting Trap: When you use your action to set it, this trap forms a saw-toothed steel ring that snaps shut when a creature steps on a pressure plate in the center. The trap is affixed by a heavy chain to an immobile object, such as a tree or a spike driven into the ground. A creature that steps on the plate must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 1d4 piercing damage and stop moving. Thereafter, until the creature breaks free of the trap, its Movement is limited by the length of the chain (typically 3 feet long). A creature can use its action to make a DC 13 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Each failed check deals 1 piercing damage to the trapped creature.

Net: A Large or smaller creature hit by a net is Restrained until it is freed. A net has no effect on creatures that are formless, or creatures that are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to make a DC 10 Strength check, freeing itself or another creature within its reach on a success. Dealing 5 slashing damage to the net (AC 10) also frees the creature without harming it, ending the effect and destroying the net. When you use an action, Bonus Action, or reaction to Attack with a net, you can make only one Attack regardless of the number of attacks you can normally make.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Goblin Names

Quick d50 table for generating goblin names. Roll twice, and consider adding "-y" or "-er" to the result. Some tests:
  • wormhag
  • bucketmilk
  • touchcrow
  • hogcapper
  • chubwee
  • wax nurse
1-2: wiggle
3-4: papa
5-6: pulp
7-8: slurp
9-10: uncle
11-12: hog
13-14: juice
15-16: kiss
17-18: eel
19-20: hunch
21-22: wee
23-24: nub
25-26: cap
27-28: jowl
29-30: friend
31-32: egg
33-34: tail
35-36: wax
37-38: curd
39-40: skin
41-42: berry
43-44: pig
45-46: whisker
47-48: knuckle
49-50: pluck
51-52: gut
53-54: puss
55-56: hag
57-58: clutch
59-60: mama
61-62: bump
63-64: cow
65-66: blossom
67-68: crow
69-70: bucket
71-72: snail
73-74: suck
75-76: chunk
77-78: worm
79-80: nail
81-82: munch
83-84: milk
85-86: dirt
87-88: auntie
89-90: nurse
91-92: touch
93-94: crinkle
95-96: grunt
97-98: grin
99-100: chub

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Hit Dice and Magic

I have written before about finding more uses for Hit Dice in 5th edition D&D. Here are a couple more ideas.

These make more sense if you consider a HD to be some manifestation of your will. Normally you use it to pull your own body back together from injury, but why not spread it around?

Wizards Copying Spells

Instead of spending 50 gold per spell level on rare inks and such to copy a spell into a wizard's spellbook, spend 2 HD per spell level.

You can split the effort across multiple rests. (1st-level wizards must do this.)

Specialists only need to spend 1 HD per spell level for spells in their school.

This seems like a reasonable extension of the wizard's will. I also tend to play in resource-scarce settings where there's never an opportunity to buy or make these inks. Also makes wizards a bit squishier, or opens up interesting possibilities around periods of vulnerabilities for wizards.

Instead of Costly Components

I've never really been a fan of the component system for magic since 3rd edition. That's probably a different post.

Require the caster to expend HD instead of requiring material components with a gp cost for spells. Most spells which require costly components are creating some kind of lingering effect or awareness or imposition of will - if you think of spending HD as imbuing something else with a sliver of yourself this works out fine.

Quick look at the spells with costly components in the SRD, I would break them down like this:
  • 1 HD: Arcane Lock, Augury, Divination, Find Familiar, Guards And Wards, Illusory Script, Magic Mouth, Magnificent Mansion, Nondetection, Programmed Illusion, Project Image, Teleportation Circle, True Seeing
  • 2 HD: Arcane Sword, Circle Of Death, Clairvoyance, Continual Flame, Find The Path, Glyph Of Warding, Greater Restoration, Identify, Legend Lore, Magic Circle ,Magic Jar, Raise Dead, Revivify, Stoneskin, Warding Bond
  • 3 HD: Awaken, Contingency, Forbiddance, Forcecage, Hallow, Heroes' Feast, Holy Aura, Instant Summons, Planar Binding, Reincarnate, Resurrection, Scrying, Shapechange, Simulacrum, Symbol
  • 4HD: Clone, Gate, Sequester
Then there are are a few weird ones:
  • Astral Projection: 2 HD per subject
  • Create Undead: 1 HD per corpse
  • Imprisonment: 1 HD per HD
  • Secret Chest: Breaks all the rules. At a wash, the creation of the miniature chest takes a HD, and the creation of the large chest takes another, which it keeps. If you lose the large chest you lose a HD. Adventure onto the ethereal plane to get it back.
  • True Resurrection: 1 HD per HD 
Your wizards will look at this change like some kind of godsend, until an expedition doesn't go as planned, or an assassin sneaks into their home following the theft of a spellbook.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Low-HP 5e

Some quick ideas on how to lower the HP cap for PCs and NPCs. There's lots of discussion around why you'd want to do this, but some reasons you might consider:
  • De-emphasizes combat.
  • Emphasizes social solutions and creative problem solving.
  • Encourages DM to come up with interesting interactions with NPCs.
  • Up the realism.
  • Monsters stay monstrous.
  • Don't have to worry about balancing encounters.
Some relevant discussion here. I also swear I read a good article about capping HP in LoTFP or other such OSR recently but I can't find it for the life of me.

Note that while these changes should be applied to most NPCs and humanoids if they're being applied to the players, they should not be applied to monsters.

Constitution == Max HP.

Probably the most drastic change. A 1st-level character under this option is likely to be a little tougher than by default, but it's slow going from there. Only by increasing your Constitution score will your max HP increase, and even then it's a soft cap of 20 and a hard cap of 30.

I would probably limit characters to a single HD under this system.

This has the added benefit of being simple to apply to NPCs.

Ability Score Increase == HD.

Every four levels or so, you get another HD. Your max HP increases like the default rules.

This should produce gradual progress, and not require many other changes, but still have PCs with only about a fifth their default HP resources.

For NPCs you could probably just divide their HP and HD by 5 (round up).

Interesting side effect: High-level Fighters will end up with more HD than other classes.


You get HD and max HP normally until level 4 or so. Then you stop.

Pretty easy to eyeball this for NPCs. Since there's a cap you could even make a little table of Level/Con Modifier. Like this!

Con \ HD

You'll never have to track more than 30 points of damage on an NPC under this approach.

Small Max HP Per Level

Your max HP increases each level, but only by an amount fixed by your class, or your Constitution modifier, whichever is greater (minimum 1).

I'd probably set the per-class level based on a ranking of HD, so:
  1. Sorcerer, Wizard
  2. Bard, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Rogue, Warlock
  3. Fighter, Paladin, Ranger
  4. Barbarian
NPCs that use d8 for HD end up with about 40% of their default HP.

Magic Considerations

Under any of these, spells that grant HP increases like aid and heroes' feast become much more powerful. I would consider reducing any increases to max HP based on the spell level, or they'll likely become something the party feels like they always have to cast, and that's not interesting. Aid might grant 2 HP per level of casting instead of 5, for example.

Low-level healing spells remain useful for much longer, which means more high-level spell slots are available for other types of magic.

High-level destructive spells become one of the few hopes of defeating high-level monsters in direct combat, which feels right in a certain kind of game. Wizards and sorcerers become more like the glass cannons of older editions.

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Heraldic Beasts

They are tied to the fortunes of a family. As the house gains in size and influence, its beast's HD increases. A new and minor house's beast has 1 HD. The royal family has two or three 10 HD beasts.

These creatures appear to sprout from a steel breastplate like an unruly houseplant. They generally drop to all fours to move, standing somewhat awkwardly in combat or when wielding their implements.

Heraldic beasts cannot have more than 10 HD. They split into two beasts if their family's influence would push them above such; the split need not be even. Few houses with more than one heraldic beast survive long before a schism.

HD 1 to 10    AC Breastplate    Bite Average
Move    As human    Int Cunning    Morale    Average

Heraldic Morale: Members of the family the beast embodies who can clearly see and hear it use its Morale or their own, whichever is greater.

The beast is normally fearless, only rolling its Morale when in beast duels.

Beast Duels

A common way to resolve disputes between nobles.

First a region for the contest must be agreed upon. This can take years if the nobles involved are more concerned with saving face than actually dealing each other harm. Disagreements over a duel's boundaries have been known to spark further duels, however.

The borders of the agreed region are clearly marked with flags bearing each nobles' colors and symbols. Each party is expected to contribute equally to the production of these flags, a fact which tends to prevent less-wealthy houses from competing with those with more capital or risk bankrupting themselves before the challenge begins.

Once the area has been marked by retainers, each house's heraldic beast is escorted to an opposing edge. The beasts understand the intent of this challenge, and will not willingly pass the flagged boundaries once engaged.

Within the boundaries, once a house's beast breaks from or submits in combat, the challenge is over. The family loses whatever stakes or honor were placed on the challenge, and will generally lose influence over the next few years, causing the beast to lose HD as well. A beast which defeats a higher HD beast is likely to earn status for its family and increase in HD accordingly.

Having one's heraldic beast kill another in such a contest is not unheard of but is considered distasteful in the same way as assassinations are.


Several heraldic forms grant a beast the ability to cast find familiar. They can have as many familiars at a time as they can cast the spell in a day. The forms their familiars take are favored as pets and guardians by members of their families.

Sample Heraldic Beasts

Heraldic beasts are traditionally given plural names which indicate ownership by their family.

The Bards of Shaelie

HD 9    AC Breastplate    Two Bites Average
Move    As human    Int Human    Morale    High

Owl: Only surprised 1-in-6
Crown: Increase Morale.
Ivy: Cast find familiar 1/day (it's a mass of vines and fruits).
Paws: Increase stealth.
Two-headed: Roll another head.
    Crow: Increase Int
Torch: Sheds light as a torch. Easier to see.
Arrows: Cast magic missile 2/day.

Familiar: A mossy sparrow.

The Gungutch Reapers

HD 2    AC Breastplate    Bite Average
Fly    As horse    Int Cunning    Morale    High

Lion: Increase Morale
Chained collar: Cast find familiar 1/day.
Spots: Increase stealth.
Hooves: Increase Move.
Winged: Grant a flying speed equal to its normal Move.
Farm implement: A slow but average-damage melee attack. Cast find familiar 1/day.
Fruit: Cast cure light wounds 2/day.

Familiars: A farm mouse. A farm cat.

The Nagas of Yenwidge

HD 4    AC Breastplate and Shield    Horns Average
Move or Swim    As human    Int Cunning    Morale    Average

Ram: Horn attack instead of bite.
Mane: Increase armor.
Stars: Sheds candlelight; cast magic missile 1/day.
Fins: Grant a swimming speed equal to its normal Move. Can hold its breath for an hour.
Long neck: Head attacks gain reach. Extra visible.
Spear or trident: An average-damage melee attack with reach.
Sword: An average-damage melee attack.

Penthilette's Bitter Herd

HD 5    AC Breastplate and Shield    Bite Heavy; Antlers Average
Move    As horse    Int Cunning    Morale    High

Boar: Increase bite damage.
Antlers: Increase or gain horn attack.
Wounds: Ignores lesser injuries (such as those which would deal less damage than its HD).
Hooves: Increase Move.
Dangerous tail: Stinger: An additional poison attack.
Shield: Add +shield to armor.
Flowers or herbs: Cast sleep 1/day. Cast protection 1/day.

Heraldic Forms

Any spells are cast as a caster level equal to the beast's HD.

The head reminds you of a (d12)
  1. Lion: Increase Morale.
  2. Fox: Increase Int.
  3. Serpent: Poisonous bite.
  4. Eagle: Only surprised 1-in-6.
  5. Stag: Horn attack instead of bite.
  6. Wolf: Increase bite damage.
  7. Ram: Horn attack instead of bite.
  8. Owl: Only surprised 1-in-6.
  9. Crow: Increase Int.
  10. Horse: Increase Move.
  11. Dragon: Increase bite damage.
  12. Boar: Increase bite damage.
The head is adorned with (d10)
  1. Crown: Increase Morale.
  2. Mane: Increase armor.
  3. Chained collar: Cast find familiar 1/day.
  4. Tusks: Increase bite damage.
  5. Antlers: Increase or gain horn attack.
  6. Flames: Attack also deals average fire damage.
  7. Long tongue: Speak (but not understand) any language.
  8. Beard: Increase Int.
  9. Horns: Increase or gain horn attack.
  10. Floating crown: Cast bless 1/day.
The beast is covered in (d8)
  1. Lurid colors: Extra visible. Extra intimidating. Decrease stealth.
  2. Spots: Increase stealth.
  3. Scales: Increase armor.
  4. Mist: Cast fog cloud 1/day.
  5. Ivy: Cast find familiar 1/day (it's a mass of vines and fruits).
  6. Wounds: Ignores lesser injuries (such as those which would deal less damage than its HD).
  7. Stars: Sheds candlelight; cast magic missile 1/day.
  8. Shell: Increase armor greatly; lower Move.
Its limbs tend towards (d6)
  1. Claws: An additional average-damage claw attack.
  2. Paws: Increase stealth.
  3. Fins: Grant a swimming speed equal to its normal Move. Can hold its breath for an hour.
  4. Talons: A fast but low-damage claw attack.
  5. Hooves: Increase Move.
  6. No forelimbs. Anything it wields floats. Roll again for hindlimbs.
Oh, and (d4)
  1. Winged: Grant a flying speed equal to its normal Move.
  2. Long neck: Head attacks gain reach. Extra visible.
  3. Two-headed: Roll another head.
  4. Dangerous tail: Roll another d4:
  5. Stinger: An additional poison attack.
  6. Another head (roll d12): It can bite and speak.
  7. Spiked ball: An additional slow but heavy-damage attack.
  8. Dazzling display: Cast charm person 1/day
Each heraldic beast wields two implements (d20 twice)
  1. Sword: An average-damage melee attack.
  2. Spear or trident: An average-damage melee attack with reach.
  3. Axe or mace: A slow but heavy-damage melee attack.
  4. Dagger or knife: A fast but light-damage melee attack.
  5. Farm implement: A slow but average-damage melee attack. Cast find familiar 1/day.
  6. Torch: Sheds light as a torch. Easier to see.
  7. Shield: Add +shield to armor.
  8. Arrows: Cast magic missile 2/day.
  9. Harp: Cast charm person 2/day.
  10. Orb: Cast light 2/day.
  11. Bell: Cast alarm 2/day
  12. Lightning: Cast light 1/day. Cast magic missile 1/day.
  13. Banners: Cast find familiar 2/day.
  14. Fruit: Cast cure light wounds 2/day.
  15. Book: Cast detect magic 2/day.
  16. Flowers or herbs: Cast sleep 1/day. Cast protection 1/day.
  17. Shells: Cast silence 1/day.
  18. Key: Cast knock 1/day.
  19. Horn: Force a morale roll 1/day on all who hear. Enemies who fail break. Allies who had previous failed a morale roll rally.
  20. Wheel: Re-roll a saving throw 1/day.
See also